Written by Jodi Harley

white and black space logo

Space players are true to their name, concerned with the bigger picture. They tend to be patient and go with the flow. Though they aren't pushovers at all, and usually are the strongest or one of the strongest on their team. These players understand that at times you need to let things fall apart to build them back properly. They tend to be innovative and creative, and many have love for the arts in some way. At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague.


Witch of Space: a player who Manipulates with Space or Manipulates Space (EXAMPLE PLAYER: JADE HARLEY, EARTH A-01)

Witches are very peppy rebels, changing any "rules" of their aspect when needed. They may find it challenging to not overuse this ability and to use it in a positive way.

A Witch of Space like Jade would reject the idea that everything is random and meaningless or happens without reason. Throughout Homestuck we see her continuing all these random time loop chain of events for no other reason than she knew they were meant to be fulfilled. Other Witches of Space would probably do similar things. Witches of Space would be very practical, patient and scientific.

They would break the rules of art and fashion like Jade and her wardrobifier for example. Other Witches might simply rebel against the rules of fashion by wearing strange things or creating their own weird kind of fashion, the same goes for any kind of art as well. Witches of Space basically break the rules of creation and change, making and doing things their own way, precisely and impatiently carving their own random path. As Space manipulators, they are very good with their hands, having a lot of manual dexterity, like Jade with her guns.

Other Witches may go for the other meaning of manipulate and use it against others, either through their impatience wearing on others, by dangling objects in front of them like rewards. Others might be physically imposing or intimidating, either very large or very strong and its easy for them to push other people around and knock heads. They might even be able to manipulate random outcomes.